Saturday, May 31, 2008

Memorial Weekend - St. Louis

This Memorial weekend we went to St. Louis to celebrate our cousin LaToya’s graduation. We left Jackson around 8p and drove through the night (no cops, sleeping kids, our music!!) until we got there at 12a. As usual, we had a great time with Tammy and Malcolm. They always make us feel at home.

We were the first to arrive (we are also the closest) and most everyone else was set to arrive sometime that Saturday afternoon. Of course, Saraia was the first to awake and the first to ask for breakfast (waffles to be exact!). She was so crafty that she was able to convince Latoya to get up out of bed, early, and start breakfast, which we here is a first! The blueberry waffles were fantastic!

Sunday was the celebration. It rained but it didn’t stop us from eating all that good food that was prepared (ribs, hamburgers, hot dogs, spaghetti, slaw, baked beans, potato salad, plenty of sweets… you name it they had it!) The evening was filled with food and fun. Conversations spanned from Obama to Kobe to C/O ‘08 to ‘The Good Ol’ Days’. Great times were had by all!!

These trips are a great escape for us, especially with grandparents around. Grandma was able to get some much awaited sugar from her grandbabies. It was so beautiful seeing them laugh and play together. It was also beautiful for us to get a chance to relax and not worry about the kids!! Langston was just starting to smile and he laying his good looks on everyone, especially the girls.

Langston couldn’t take all the excitement… poor boy was just plain tuckered out from all the hugging and kissing and holding… he was just loved to sleep.

Saraia showed she was ready for Dancing with the Stars. All the older kids left to go to the movies… we couldn’t wait until they left so the real party people could get it started!!! Also check out Grandma ‘Crank that Thang’!!!

We had so much fun in STL, we are headed back. Date is TBD at this point, but it will be before the summer is out. Tammy and Malcolm are planning a great family weekend for us filled with activities. We can’t wait to get this all scheduled out and head back to the Lou!!! Congrats again to LaToya (for those of you who don’t know… sister graduated with a 4.75 GPA… got a full ride to Wash. U… a Pre-Med major…) go head girl!!! You make us all so proud. Thank you again Tammy and Malcolm for your hospitality.

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