Sunday, May 4, 2008

Father/Daughter Day Out

We had such a busy weekend... going up to Murfreesboro, TN to see my sister's roommate graduate undergrad. The family went up and came back the same day. Sunday was more of a rest day for everyone, especially Mommy and Langston.

They were just worn out... so me and Saraia deceided to hit the town and get out of the house so they could sleep. I basically did my normal routine that works so well... she stays entertained the whole time and is almost assured to go to sleep in the car on the way back. It's a win-win for both of us!!!

We always take 'Lightning' (our new car) and go to the park first to play for a while... hanging, climbing, swings, balancing, bugs/worms, etc. Next we usually enjoy a quick snack outside and then hurry over to the mall to ride the coin-op taxi and ice cream truck ($2). If we are still going strong... I usually spring for some CEC tokens ($1). She love's that place! Then when usually go to Books-a-Million to play with their train set, while I read my favorite magazine ($0). I usually have to make her leave, but once she's in the car, almost always she goes right to sleep (PRICELESS).

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