Saturday, June 7, 2008


They say money can’t buy happiness, but I found out it is a heck of down payment. I didn’t realize the extent of what money, especially old money, can do. I heard my co-worker talking about this zoo in West Tenn., which struck me as funny, until we checked it out. I was thinking this would be more of a typical barnyard assortment of animals versus real exotic zoo creatures. The place is called the Tennessee Safari Park. Basically, the owner has taken his family farm (originally attained in 1860) and made it into a make-shift safari/zoo filled with a wide array of actual zoo animals. And get this… NO CAGES!!! You actually drive through the animal habitat, where the animals are at arm’s length away from your vehicle.

We had a great time, except for the heat! We saw gazelles leaping across the land right in front of us, a large bird (cousin to the ostrich) put his beak right on the driver’s side glass, Saraia fed a ‘Pumba’ a bottle, and learned that water buffalos look both ways before crossing the street!!

I had a chance to talk with the owner, before we left, and learned that he always wanted to own a zoo, which I later read on the website. I think it is great what he is doing and I recommend it to anyone in the area (about 30 minutes outside of Jackson). This will be a must see for anyone coming to town to visit, especially with kids.

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