Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Four Month Check-up

Langston was such a big boy at his 4 month check-up. He weighed in at 13lbs. and 4 ounces. He laid very still on the weighing machine and gave everyone a smile. He even gave Dr. Amy Self a peek at his smile. Unfortunately, he had to get his shots. Lucky for Langston, his big sister was there. She held his hand and provided her little brother comfort after it was over. He rolled to his side as she touched his head with hers and said, "It's okay big sister is here."

I hope they are always this close.

Also, big sister Saraia weighs 31 pounds!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day

We had a great father’s day as usual, but especially great this year. We spent the Father’s Day weekend at Grandpa’s house. Ketora made it down as well.

The 2 Dads and future Dad are truly blessed: (1) Grandpa got to see his kids and his kids’ kids. (2) Daddy got an extra special hand-made card. (3) Langston spit-up on everything and everybody. Daddy is so blessed to have Mommy, Saraia, and Langston!!!

We Love to Hear from You

Blogging is about more than US putting our thoughts on the web... it's about connecting and hearing from YOU!! I didn't know we had an access issue on our blog until recently. I have now lifted the access rights... so it is easy and anyone can leave comments. We love to read your comments, just as much as you love to read our blog!!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Langston and Grammy

Langston and Grammy had a day out together without the Mommy and Daddy. Little did he know, he was attending his first invited birthday party--he stole the show!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

We Have Lift Off

Saraia is now self-propelled!!! After a year of procrastination, Daddy finally put together the swing-set that Grandma gave Saraia. Its been up since early Spring, but now that she is home with Mommy... Saraia wants to go out and swing everyday! Before that would mean "Mommy push me faster... higher..." for what seemed like forever. It finally clicked for her and she has been flying solo ever since! Congrats Raia!!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Girls Day Out

Saraia and Mommy enjoyed a day at the zoo, while Langston stayed with Grammie. It is ashame how expensive it is to go to the zoo, but I saved a ton of money by bringing a lunch and her favorite snacks, I would suggest it to everyone. All the animals were trying to stay cool in the shade from the hot weather, but roaming around. Saraia really enjoyed seeing the panda bears eat, because she just saw Kung Fu Panda. Of course, she had to have her own panda. We welcomed out new babyYa-Ya to our family. She enjoyed seeing all the animals and watching the sealions entertain during their show. Below is a picture we took. Look at her pose.
I enjoyed having my sweetie to myself. Of course, she was sound asleep on the way home. I don't think Langston missed us!!

Saturday, June 7, 2008


They say money can’t buy happiness, but I found out it is a heck of down payment. I didn’t realize the extent of what money, especially old money, can do. I heard my co-worker talking about this zoo in West Tenn., which struck me as funny, until we checked it out. I was thinking this would be more of a typical barnyard assortment of animals versus real exotic zoo creatures. The place is called the Tennessee Safari Park. Basically, the owner has taken his family farm (originally attained in 1860) and made it into a make-shift safari/zoo filled with a wide array of actual zoo animals. And get this… NO CAGES!!! You actually drive through the animal habitat, where the animals are at arm’s length away from your vehicle.

We had a great time, except for the heat! We saw gazelles leaping across the land right in front of us, a large bird (cousin to the ostrich) put his beak right on the driver’s side glass, Saraia fed a ‘Pumba’ a bottle, and learned that water buffalos look both ways before crossing the street!!

I had a chance to talk with the owner, before we left, and learned that he always wanted to own a zoo, which I later read on the website. I think it is great what he is doing and I recommend it to anyone in the area (about 30 minutes outside of Jackson). This will be a must see for anyone coming to town to visit, especially with kids.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Move Review - Kung Fu Panda

Kung Fu Panda - TWO THUMBS UP!!! from Saraia and Mommy. We met Grammy in Memphis and had a girls day out, Langston was the bodyguard. Kug FU Panda was very funny and Saraia loved it so much that she had to go see the pandas at the Memphis Zoo. Even Langston stayed awake, without crying!! Of course Saraia was the only one dancing to music while the credits rolled. She definitley knows how to have a good time.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008


I can’t believe today is finally the day. The long string of Honda Accords in the family is finally over. I had to give up my 1994 Honda Accord we purchased from my folks. The ‘Green Machine’ has finally moved on to a better place. The prognosis from the doc all but sealed her fate. Everything was fine, but she needs a new CPU and they are $$$$$. Instead of putting her to rest, I found an old man who likes challenges and he has agreed to take her off my hands. We struck a gentlemen’s deal and now she is gone to me forever. He promised to take good care of her, do his best to get her healthy again, and treat her kind. Farewell ‘Green Machine’. You will be missed greatly. For those of you interested here is a clipping of the obituary:

1994 Green Honda Accord, age 14 originally of Memphis, Tennessee, passed away Tuesday, June 3, 2008. She is survived by son and daughter, Pathfinder and Acura (Memphis, TN) and two grandchildren in Jackson, TN, Camry and Mercedes.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Day at the Park

Langston is ready for his BIG day at the park!! Hat... check. Baby carrier... check. Mommy.... double check!!!