Saturday, May 31, 2008

Memorial Weekend - St. Louis

This Memorial weekend we went to St. Louis to celebrate our cousin LaToya’s graduation. We left Jackson around 8p and drove through the night (no cops, sleeping kids, our music!!) until we got there at 12a. As usual, we had a great time with Tammy and Malcolm. They always make us feel at home.

We were the first to arrive (we are also the closest) and most everyone else was set to arrive sometime that Saturday afternoon. Of course, Saraia was the first to awake and the first to ask for breakfast (waffles to be exact!). She was so crafty that she was able to convince Latoya to get up out of bed, early, and start breakfast, which we here is a first! The blueberry waffles were fantastic!

Sunday was the celebration. It rained but it didn’t stop us from eating all that good food that was prepared (ribs, hamburgers, hot dogs, spaghetti, slaw, baked beans, potato salad, plenty of sweets… you name it they had it!) The evening was filled with food and fun. Conversations spanned from Obama to Kobe to C/O ‘08 to ‘The Good Ol’ Days’. Great times were had by all!!

These trips are a great escape for us, especially with grandparents around. Grandma was able to get some much awaited sugar from her grandbabies. It was so beautiful seeing them laugh and play together. It was also beautiful for us to get a chance to relax and not worry about the kids!! Langston was just starting to smile and he laying his good looks on everyone, especially the girls.

Langston couldn’t take all the excitement… poor boy was just plain tuckered out from all the hugging and kissing and holding… he was just loved to sleep.

Saraia showed she was ready for Dancing with the Stars. All the older kids left to go to the movies… we couldn’t wait until they left so the real party people could get it started!!! Also check out Grandma ‘Crank that Thang’!!!

We had so much fun in STL, we are headed back. Date is TBD at this point, but it will be before the summer is out. Tammy and Malcolm are planning a great family weekend for us filled with activities. We can’t wait to get this all scheduled out and head back to the Lou!!! Congrats again to LaToya (for those of you who don’t know… sister graduated with a 4.75 GPA… got a full ride to Wash. U… a Pre-Med major…) go head girl!!! You make us all so proud. Thank you again Tammy and Malcolm for your hospitality.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

South Carolina in July

Great news!! Although Mommy and Daddy still will not be able to make it to SC this summer, Grammy and Grandpa will be taking Saraia with them. This means so much to us. Saraia has been asking and asking to get back to the beach and now she can. It makes it even better, now that she can go with family.

Thanks again to Grammy and Grandpa for making this happen. We all really appreciate it. Wish we all could go, but the timing just really didn’t work out for us, especially with all the change we have coming shortly thereafter (Mommy back to work, new school for Saraia, Langston in daycare, etc.).

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Crest Kid

My Sweetie went to the dentist for the second time today. She was such a big girl, no crying, and even helped clean Mommy's teeth!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

No Kids Allowed After 8pm

We finally have our room back. Langston crib arrived today and he is sharing a room with his big sister. Every night she would ask if her brother could sleep in the room with her. He finally moves in and she wants to move out!! Go figure!! Mommy and Daddy finally have the Grown and Sexy Room, no kids allowed after 8 pm and doors open at 4:00 in the morning (Langston's breakfast time)!!!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Memphis in May

We went down to the Memphis in May BBQ contest this weekend. I hadn't been since I was real little. Needless to say everything was different, but it was still fun. We took both the kids and had a great family outing. Langston stayed cool in the shade of his stroller and Saraia was such a big girl, walking most of the time. It was a good time, good food, and good fun. My co-worker, who competes every year, won 3rd place for BBQ Sauce and should have finished in the Top 10 for Shoulder.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Prince Caspian

I always wanted to see the Chronicles of Narnia, because 'The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe' was one of my favorite books when I was a kid. I missed it in the theatre the first time, but I was determined not to miss the sequel which is out today. Mommy is not a fan of this movie genre, so I had to get Saraia to like it, if I was going to go.

I put a plan into action... I got a copy of the first movie, had it playing on the part where the little girl first goes into Narnia, and had Saraia come in the room... she was hooked!!! (We have watched the first movie at least 4 times now!! Disney is great!!) So I am getting ready now to take Saraia to see the new Narnia... finally a movie I want to see.

South Carolina in July

Unfortunately, we have decided not to travel to SC this summer. I have a business trip that I cannot miss, which falls right in the middle of things. Shanee will be right up against starting the new school year, and Langston still doesn't have a place for daycare yet.

We are feeling that things are a bit to complicated to pull off this trip, but we do plan to make the next one (hopefully Thanksgiving). :o(

Mommy I Cut My Hair

Yes it is true!! Saraia gave herself a hair cut. I was taken Saraia's braids out of her hair. I use scissors to cut the rubber bands. I was half way through with the back of her hair, when Langston woke up. I left the room for a second only to return to Saraia with hair in her hands. She looks at me with those big eyes and says, "Look Mommy, I gave myself a hair cut. So if you need a haircut, Saraia's available!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Summer School

I must applaud Mommy for taking on a huge challenge. She is giving up her summer vacation and keeping Langston and Saraia at home. She is also going to continue to pre-school Saraia so she is ready for her 'new' school come August. I am sure she will have many stories to tell after this summer is over, but so far so good.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Memory Game

I sat down to play a little board game with the little one this afternoon. She wanted to play Memory Game. I didn't know my daughter was a hustler. After winning the 1st game, she gave me a thorough but whipping... winning the next 3 games.

My competitive nature started to kick in, but the harder i tried, the more she won. The girl has a memory like an elephant.

Saturday, May 10, 2008


We finally got the chance for Mommy to take Saraia skating. Skating is some of Mommy’s favorite childhood memories and she talks about it all the time. She has wanted to re-live her youth and take Saraia, but hadn’t had a chance. We finally got the opportunity and we had a great time.

She started off with her ‘Dora’ skates that she had since about 2 years old, but once she got comfortable, we let her get a pair of real skates. A few falls here and there, but mostly stayed on her feet. After a while, she thought she was on ‘Roll Bounce’.
Good news / Bad news: the skating was cut short because of really bad weather that was coming our way, but we got 4 free passes… so we’ll be rollin’ back that way soon!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Langston is finally starting to come into his own... He has several expressions now. You can tell he is developing his own personality, which is sooooo funny, because he is becoming quite demanding. I'm still surprised at how aware he is of his surroundings. He is always turning his around to see what is going on and his eyes stay wide open all the time. He is Mr. Alert. He are a few of the many faces of Langston.

He is almost 3-months now and he weighs 12 lbs and growing... boy can he eat!!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Father/Daughter Day Out

We had such a busy weekend... going up to Murfreesboro, TN to see my sister's roommate graduate undergrad. The family went up and came back the same day. Sunday was more of a rest day for everyone, especially Mommy and Langston.

They were just worn out... so me and Saraia deceided to hit the town and get out of the house so they could sleep. I basically did my normal routine that works so well... she stays entertained the whole time and is almost assured to go to sleep in the car on the way back. It's a win-win for both of us!!!

We always take 'Lightning' (our new car) and go to the park first to play for a while... hanging, climbing, swings, balancing, bugs/worms, etc. Next we usually enjoy a quick snack outside and then hurry over to the mall to ride the coin-op taxi and ice cream truck ($2). If we are still going strong... I usually spring for some CEC tokens ($1). She love's that place! Then when usually go to Books-a-Million to play with their train set, while I read my favorite magazine ($0). I usually have to make her leave, but once she's in the car, almost always she goes right to sleep (PRICELESS).

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Pillow Talk

Are you smarter than a 2-mo. old?? Finally, we are and the grand prize of a full nite sleep was well worth it. Mr. Langston decided that he did not like his Bassinet, and preferred the comfort of a queen size mattress (also known as mommy and daddy's bed). Sleep deprived and tired of sharing his bed, Daddy finally found a solution that would outsmart Langston. A pillow in the Bassinet would provide Langston the comfort he needs and the space that Mommy and Daddy need. Our first 'win-win' and full nite of sleep. Now Mommy has to relax and get with the program.

Our 1st Post

This is our first Blog and I am going to give a brief intro of our life today. I am staying a home with our 2 1/2 month old son. Daddy has the lovely duty of getting our 3 1/2 old daughter to school.

Langston favors his sister, so every time he looks at a photo of her as a baby, he stares at it like he is seeing himself.

I truly believe that my day does not get interesting until I pick up Saraia from school!! Langston dozes off during the day, but very alert when his sister is around. Today she gave us a rock concert with her Hannah Montana guitar!! Watch out Hannah, Saraia's coming for you!!