Sunday, January 17, 2010

Gone Krogering

In all of my years of babysitting Tee Tee doesn't think she has ever taken 2 children to the grocery store. I can only remember that my childhood experiences weren't so great. It took forever and I was always tired and restless. Because of these memories, I tried to come up with the best plan to make this work and I think it worked!

Langston sat in the front of the buggy and Saraia sat in the back. Saraia was in charge of keeping up with grocery list and keeping the back of the shopping cart organized. When I pulled things off of the shelves, I handed them to Langston, he would say, "Ready Raia" and then she would reply, "Yeah" Langston would toss the item (no cans)  over his head and when Saraia would catch it, they both yelled a big "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"

It was probably one of the most eventful times that I've had at the grocery store! I think I may have either given some parents ideas or created an unwanted desire with their kids who were admiring how much fun Langston and Saraia were having! Oh well, it worked for me!!!

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