Monday, January 4, 2010

First day back after the holidays

Many of us were dreading the first day back after a great, long vacation from work, the nut house, or whatever you may call it. Mommy and Daddy were not different. After an extended 2 week vacation, totally unplugged from all work communication, it felt like craziness to go to work this morning! Daddy was also prepared for the worst drop-off ever at day care. Langston can get moody and cry on a regular day, much less after a great vacation at home. As always, that little guy will do the opposite of what is expected. He went in with little resistance after his teacher held out her arms, so he could be picked up. So as we were all swamped today and couldn't wait to get home, Langston was not, again doing the opposite of expectations. He was the only child pitching a fit to STAY AT DAYCARE!! Unbelievable!!! The boy who usually runs outta there like he's on fire, looked at Daddy, said NO, and ran back inside! What a difference a day makes! Please somebody tell us what changed, before we begin to think Langston is laughing at us behind our back!

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