Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State of the Union

Daddy is watching the State of the Union with the kids. Saraia says Barack must have on make-up because he looks a little orangy. Daddy couldn't do anything but agree. Langston wanted to be included and started to point at the TV. It was funny listening to him try and say obama... He pronounced it O-mama!!! The kids loved all the clapping and stood up with the audience. They couldn't be attentive the whole address, but it was a great that they could see our President.

Granny's Flu Shot

Its always shocking to hear that a family member is in the hospital, especially when that person is your 85 year old Granny. Daddy couldn't sit around in Jackson, so he left work and went down to Methodist in Memphis to see her. Apparently she took a flu shot and she couldn't handle it. This is why we never take those shots. Anyway, the doctors feel she will recover, but found a few other things they want to stay on top of. Times like these make you appreciate life and family!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Langston's In Kindermusik

Mommy and Daddy felt it was time for Langston to have his own after school activity, so we signed him up for kindermusik.  It is Mommy and Langston time.  We are having a great time.  It is fun seeing him interact with other kids.  We've been to two sessions and Langston's Laugh is the highlight of class.  Everytime the teachers plays the radio and it goes "ding-dong", he cracks up laughing.  All the parents start laughing and saying how much they love his laugh.  It is nothing like a genuine laugh from a child.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Magic Wheels

Saraia was invited to a birthday party at the skating ring. She had been skating before, but it was a while ago. She started out falling everywhere and wanted to quit. Mommy strapped up her skates and came to the rescue!! Remembering when Grandma used to take her, she filled in and helped Saraia. Before long frustrations faded and Saraia started to pick it up a bit. Mommy will most likely start taking Saraia skating on the weekends!! Who is more excited!?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Jack and Jill

Mommy and Daddy also wanted to get closer to nature on this trip and decided to do a little hiking.  Just past Gatlinburg is the Smoky Mountain National Park.  Filled with many trails, Mommy wanted to go see some of the small streams that resemble falls running down the moutain side.  This was the first thing on the agenda.  unfortunately breakfast was put on hold!  As Mommy and Daddy continued to hike up the mountain, the trail continued to get more steep!

Mommy was very adventureous and pushed a nervous Daddy to continue up the trail.  Noone saw us take this trail and we didnt know when it would end.  After passing the second 'fall', the trail began to be cluttered with fallen trees!!! True fear set in and both Mommy and Daddy decided to go back before our luck runs out.... plus the lack of breakfast caused a stomach roar that was scaring the bears away!!! On the way down, we passed a 60+ year old couple about to embark on the same trail.  They were fully equipped with backpacks, snacks, walking sticks, etc.  Our pride was dimished, but the promise of food made us continue back to the car and go for lunch!  Nevertheless, we were proud of the hike and looking at the maps over lunch, we realized we had hiked over 5 miles and over 250' in elevation.

Ober Gatlinburg Ski Resort & Amusement Park

Mommy and Daddy wanted to try skiing again.  it was a great experience last year, even though we did more falling than actual skiing.  It was great last year to learn the basics of skiing and this year the plan was to refine those skills.

Daddy only wanted to practice on the ski school slope, which is only about 5' vertical drop, but Mommy had other plans.  After the 3rd or 4th time on the ski school slope, the basics came back.  Both Mommy and Daddy were doing quite well, when Mommy tries to convince Daddy to try the ski lift and ski an actual slope.  Despite Daddy's obvious fear, he agrees, reluctantly!!  Graduating to an actual slope felt good... until Mommy and Daddy ate snow!!! The second try resulted in the same result, but further down the slope! Third time was the cliche charm, as both Mommy and Daddy made it down the slope, in control, and without a fall!!! Accomplishment never felt so good.  Unbelieveable the powers of the mind and body.  Only 1 day of learning, over a year ago, and the 2nd day we were skiing!!
Cub Way Slope - 1,800' Length - 163' Vertical Drop

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Ending of a Great Weekend...

Tee Tee, Langston, and Saraia had a great time this weekend. We visited Tee Tee's friends, went grocery shopping, had a fun movie night, ate till our tummies hurt, and when all that was done, we had a good nights rest! MLK weekend was a treat!

Discovery Center of Murfreesboro

Last time Daddy came to visit Tee Tee, the kids were able to go to the Discovery Center. This is a very fun place for kids to learn and have fun. The Discovery Center's objectives are to provide daily, high quality, unique programs and exhibits on the environment and conservation, science and technology, arts and culture, health and safety.

Amongst the everyday activities, this months exhibit was about Smokey Bear & Woodsy Owl: Home Sweet Home. Langston and Saraia seemed very excited about going again and we even invited some of Tee Tee's friends, Ms. Kara and Dominic.

The kids had a blast and it made "Operation Nap-time" a success!!!

Let's Take It "UP"

The munchkin's and I decided that since we had such an eventful day that we would chill at home and eat corn dogs, french fries and sweet bites from Krystals for a movie night. Saraia picked the movie "UP" which is one of Disney Pixars movies from 2009 that Tee Tee hadn't seen yet. I give the film 2 thumbs up because it was AWESOME! It made a great ending to a busy day!

Gone Krogering

In all of my years of babysitting Tee Tee doesn't think she has ever taken 2 children to the grocery store. I can only remember that my childhood experiences weren't so great. It took forever and I was always tired and restless. Because of these memories, I tried to come up with the best plan to make this work and I think it worked!

Langston sat in the front of the buggy and Saraia sat in the back. Saraia was in charge of keeping up with grocery list and keeping the back of the shopping cart organized. When I pulled things off of the shelves, I handed them to Langston, he would say, "Ready Raia" and then she would reply, "Yeah" Langston would toss the item (no cans)  over his head and when Saraia would catch it, they both yelled a big "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!"

It was probably one of the most eventful times that I've had at the grocery store! I think I may have either given some parents ideas or created an unwanted desire with their kids who were admiring how much fun Langston and Saraia were having! Oh well, it worked for me!!!

State Farm Fun...

Tee Tee works at State Farm "The Good Neighbor" and all of my co-workers have been wanting to meet Saraia and Langston forever. When I found out that I would be keeping them, everyone was so excited and demanded that I bring them. I of course said yes, and we headed there for lunch. Needless to say, I think my co-workers had more fun than the kids did! Saraia and Langston were a big hit and I almost didn't think I was going be able to bring them home cause my co-workers were trying to kidnap them, lol!

New Blogger In Town

When Mommy and Daddy are away, Auntie Ke and the kids will play....!

Skiing for Dummies

Mommy has been putting off skiing for the whole trip. There is only one way to the top of the mountain... A huge tram lift that packs in 120 people!! Fun for some, but not so much for clausterhobiacs like Mommy. Nevertheless Mommy is about face her fear and for the new found love of skiing!!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Smooth Moves

Daddy is in love with his new Blender/Smoothie Maker!!  It is so much better than the hand mixer he was using before.  5 minutes and everything is completely liquified and smooth.  Today's morning smoothie was an experiment to push the blender and see what it could do.
Daddy's max smoothie recipe: 1 banana, 4 strawberries, 1 handful blueberries, 1 handful spinach, 6 baby carrots, 1/4 cup oatmeal, 1/4 cup orange juice, 1/4 cup unsweetend soy milk, 1/4 cup unsweetened plain yogurt.  Blend 5 minutes.
Great taste, easy to drink, smooth, completely liquified (no lumps), and most definitely filling!!!  Looks like cereal may be getting to the backseat for a while... a new breakfast sheriff is in town and its name is Smoothie Maker!!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Super Bouncy Balls

It is amazing!!! Kids got EVERYTHING they wanted for christmas, but the dentist gives them two bouncy balls and they haven't touched any of their christmas gifts since! They've been bouncing these balls to each other all day and nite! Who knew!?!?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

3rd Nine Weeks Skills

Good Luck Saraia!!

3rd Nine Weeks Skills
Identify capital ABC's
Identify lower ABC's
Write ABC's in capital letters
Write ABC's in lower case letters
Can sound out ABC's
Can Identify beginning sounds
Can add numerals up to 10
Can identify Opposites
Can count by ones to 100
Can write to 20
Can tell time to the hour
Count by tens and ones to 31
Identify Sight Words
Progress through Scholastic Readers

Report Card - 2nd 9 weeks

Second Nine Weeks Report
Name:McGhee, Saraia Elon
Teacher:Mrs. Ruth Ann Smith

Grade Skill
E 1. Able To Write First And Last name
E 2. Can Count By 5's to 100
E 3. Can Order Items By Measurement:Height______Length______
E 4. Can Match Sets to Numerals 1-5
E 5. Can Count Number 1-50
E 6. Can Write Numbers 1-10
E 7. Can Identify Numbers 1-20
E 8. Can Identify Equal and Unequal Sets 1-5
E 9. Can Identify More and Less
E 10. Can Read A Graph
E 11. Can Order Numbers (0-10)
E 12. Can Identify Number Words To Ten
E 13. Has Turned in the Required number of Snuggle Up and Read Forms
S 14. Gets Along Well With Others
E 15. Completes Assignments in a Timely Manner
E 16. Completes Assignments Neatly
S 17. Pays Attention During Instruction
E 18. Follows Directions the First Time Given
E 19. Stays on Task
S 20. Demonstrates Acceptable Classroom Behavior

Friday, January 8, 2010

Rose Bowl Party!!!

Daddy rushed home from work to make it in time for the game! Mommy and Daddy set the menu for the family college football championship party! Daddy picked up some wings from Kroger and made his famous hot wings!! Instead of the normal sauce, Daddy made the wings using the sweet hot sauce we got from Uncle Lou's over the holidays. Those wings were awesome!! Wings, fries, carrots and celery, and beer.... what a spread!! The family ate picnic style and watched what was supposed to be a great game. Congrats to Alabama and the SEC !! Daddy shed a tear as he has to wait until next fall to watch a college football game. Goodbye NCAA, hello NFL playoffs!!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Asahi Wasabi

Saraia's new favorite place to eat is Asahi... she loves shrimp friend rice and Asahi has the best in town.  Since Daddy had a work dinner, Mommy took the kids out to eat!  Langston put his hands in the Wasabi and Mommy quickly wiped his hands and told him that it was HOT HOT HOT!!  After a great meal, Mommy gave Langston the chopsticks to take home, because he was so good at the restaraunt.  As Mommy was filling out the check Langston was able to get the chopsticks into the Wasabi and into his mouth.  He was on FIRE!!!  He was wiping his tongue and telling Mommy and everyone else in the restaraunt that it was 'HOT'.  He just kept saying 'HOT'... 'Momma HOT'.  Even to the people at the next table, he would point to his mouth and shout 'HOT'.  Mommy kept giving Langston water until the FIRE subsided and the family left for the house.  It wasnt until later that Mommy realized that Langston thought the green wasabi paste looked like mashed apples, which is why he was so interested!!!  He should know the difference now!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Crest kids

There are many Father/Daughter moments a Dad invisions, but back to back dentist visits was not one of them. Apparently, Daddy and Saraia need to be more strict with flossing! Both fillings went fine and all is well, just waiting on the numbness to wear off so Daddy and Saraia can eat without spilling food everywhere!

First day back after the holidays

Many of us were dreading the first day back after a great, long vacation from work, the nut house, or whatever you may call it. Mommy and Daddy were not different. After an extended 2 week vacation, totally unplugged from all work communication, it felt like craziness to go to work this morning! Daddy was also prepared for the worst drop-off ever at day care. Langston can get moody and cry on a regular day, much less after a great vacation at home. As always, that little guy will do the opposite of what is expected. He went in with little resistance after his teacher held out her arms, so he could be picked up. So as we were all swamped today and couldn't wait to get home, Langston was not, again doing the opposite of expectations. He was the only child pitching a fit to STAY AT DAYCARE!! Unbelievable!!! The boy who usually runs outta there like he's on fire, looked at Daddy, said NO, and ran back inside! What a difference a day makes! Please somebody tell us what changed, before we begin to think Langston is laughing at us behind our back!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Love and Truth Church

Us McGhees went back to a church we visited a long time ago today, Love and Truth.  It was a great experience and we should be going back.  We were invited by good friends, Dexter, Amber, and their 3 adorable kids.  The pastor delivered an inspiring message and the kids got their own lesson in Sunday School.  Saraia had a blast and actually stayed for the second service of Sunday School!!  Saraia quickly found out that she new many of the kids from her school and other activities.  The Sunday School teachers were very impressed with how attentiveness and how she answered questions.  She definitely wants to go back, as she told Mommy that our pervious church was 'Too Long!'  Mommy tried to explain to her that she stayed longer at L&T than we ever stayed at Mt. Zion.  She didnt get it, but as they say 'time flies when you are having fun'.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

The family that pots together...

Wow.... It seemed like a crazy goal when we said Langston would be potty trained by the end of the holidays. Pick your mouth up, he's not quite there yet. But the past two days, he has let Mommy and Daddy know ahead of time and actually used the 'pot'. We are headed in the right direction and expect to be fully trained by the summer! First thing we noticed was that he was saying 'bathroom' and not 'pot pot', when he was ready!! Then after some advice, the family role modeled the behavior.... Each of us would say when we needed to go and brought Langston along, so he could see what was happening. Believe it or not something is working, because he is on his way to being trained!

Friday, January 1, 2010

2010 = NEW NEW NEW

On to the next challenge, journey, opportunity!  Its always great to have a fresh start and a New Year is a perfect way to do that.  The new motto for UsMcGhees this year is 'Perfect 10 in 2010'.  As the world says goodbye to 2009, we are also saying goodbye to a long holiday vacation (two weeks to be exact).  Mon, Jan 4th represents 'the routine'.  But as Mommy and Daddy look back over 2009, we agree that 'the routine' could use a little work.  The time off has really made us realize what's important again.  No resolutions here, because they never come true, but clear goals for the family, mostly centered around a heavy dose of family time, with some Mommy and Daddy time spinkled in.  First step to the Perfect 10 is Mommy and Daddy's Pigeon Forge trip without the kids on MLK weekend (thanks Ketora)!!