Sunday, October 12, 2008

Bear over Langston

Daddy and Saraia were being there silly selves one day in the car. Everyone was laughing and playing, when Daddy asked Saraia 'who do you love more Langston or Bear?' How or why Daddy came up with that, no one knows.

Asking a little 4-year old to choose between her life-long buddy and her newly acquired brother! But in classic Saraia form, she answered back boldly and to our amazement said ‘BEAR!’ Neither of us could believe it. When we asked ‘why’, she gave an explanation that made it all clear. ‘Bear is MY baby!’ In her eyes Bear is her responsibility, just like Langston is ours. It was so sweet!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Even I knew it was a possibility she would say "BEAR"! She loves Langston and she's protective over him as well, but like you said, "BEAR" is her responsibility and I dont think she'll be giving him up any time in the near future!