Sunday, October 5, 2008

JCS Fall Festival

Mommy and Daddy took the kids the Fall Festival being held at Saraia's school. They packed as much fun as you could into a school parking lot. They had Jumpers, Face Painting, Games and Prizes, Concessions (pretty good hot dogs BTW), and Magic Show. Even though it is the ‘Fall’ Festival, in Tennessee it is still sunny and +75 degrees outside.

Saraia of course linked up with her friends and had a blast!! Mommy was just trying to keep up and Langston and Daddy were plain old tired. Daddy took Langston home, while Mommy and Saraia stayed for the Magic Show. I guess they really were tired… this is how we found them!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

They look so peaceful...I wonder who went to sleep first! Romian is holding on to Langston with a bear grip so he cant get away!