Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Pool Party

The kids were invited to a swimming party at a local indoor pool.  The plan was for Saraia to swim, but of course Langston would not allow himself to miss all the wet fun.  Daddy quickly got Langston ready to hit the pool and he marched directly to the deeper end of the pool, where Saraia was.  The baby life preserver came in handy for both kids.  Saraia was able to roam free in the pool and interact with all the kids, some who were pretty good swimmers, and Langston was able to NOT drown!  The kids had a blast, there was pizza, soft drinks, cake, and ice cream... what more could a kid ask for?!  To top it off the thank you gift from the birthday girl was a personalized beach towell with Saraia's name on it!!  Thanks so much Tiffany Spivey for putting on such a great event!!

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