Friday, April 30, 2010

Mommy Turns 30 Again

We've shared something incredible, something that most people only dream of.  I had been searching for you all of my life. You have made me the happiest I have ever been. You are sincere, caring, loving, and I wouldn't trade you for the world.  I am so thankful and blessed that you loved me as much as I loved you.  We make the perfect husband and wife team.  We are going to have an amazing life together raising a family. All of our dreams are coming true!!  Happy Birthday!!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Mommy's 2nd Senior Prom

This prom was for the seniors that arrived at liberty high 4 years ago, as bright eyed freshman ready to conquer the world, but knowing exactly how yet. Mommy also arrived at liberty 4 years ago and has grown up with this class since their freshman year. In some ways this prom and this year was like a second senior year for mommy. And like the seniors mommy will also be moving on to new places and new adventures in life!!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Story of Stuff - Earth Day 2010

We had a great Earth Day 2010.  The Stover's invited several friends over for an Earth Day get together under the stars.  It was great to spend the evening with friends.  Also, thanks to the Stover's for making everyone so aware of the issues facing our nation and planet.  Matt pulled out his monster 16' x 9' screen in his backyard.  After the stars came out, he showed several videos related to Earth Day and what we all can start to do to help!!  This is one of the most powerful videos of the evening.... Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Pool Party

The kids were invited to a swimming party at a local indoor pool.  The plan was for Saraia to swim, but of course Langston would not allow himself to miss all the wet fun.  Daddy quickly got Langston ready to hit the pool and he marched directly to the deeper end of the pool, where Saraia was.  The baby life preserver came in handy for both kids.  Saraia was able to roam free in the pool and interact with all the kids, some who were pretty good swimmers, and Langston was able to NOT drown!  The kids had a blast, there was pizza, soft drinks, cake, and ice cream... what more could a kid ask for?!  To top it off the thank you gift from the birthday girl was a personalized beach towell with Saraia's name on it!!  Thanks so much Tiffany Spivey for putting on such a great event!!

ATL Easter Back Home

Although Mommy and the kids had a great time in ATL... all good things must come to an end.  Mommy got up early Monday morning and made the long 6-hr drive back to Jackson, stopping in Murfreesboro for a quick rest, a little more shopping, and a cute photo opp of the kids!!  Mommy can't remember having a better time in ATL!!  Saraia and Langston really enjoyed themselves and were absolutely wiped out on the way home from all the fun and activities.  From Mommy, Saraia, and Langston... Thanks again Grandma for a great Easter weekend!!!

ATL Easter Day

Everyone looked their very best for church.  Mommy was styling in her new blue dress, while Langston wore his casual suit coat and khakis, Saraia sported a nice black and white dress, and Grandma dressed to the nines in her red suit.  Such a fine looking family!!

After church, Grandma and Auntie Cookie took the kids to the park for their very own special Easter Egg Hunt, just for them.  Langston and Saraia searched high and low through the park to find and collect their eggs.  The Easter bunny packed them full of candy, dress-up jewelry, bouncy balls, and small toys!!  The kids enjoyed a few of their treats in the park and then proceeded to play on the playground with other kidss that were at the park.  It was great time and the weather was absolutely perfect!!!

ATL Easter

Easter was tough for this year, because Daddy had to work all weekend, so we decided to let Daddy stay in Jackson, while Mommy and the kids go down to ATL to see Grandma!!  Its Easter time, so that means shopping for most folks.  Easter shoes, dresses, and suits are on the brain, so Grandma takes Mommy and the kids to Atlantic Station downtown to pick up a few things.  As you can see Mommy and Grandma always go overboard, but it was a great to be out enjoying the nice weather at the open air mall.

After shopping Grandma takes everyone to a surprise location.  It was the Laser Light Show at Stone Mountain Georgia.  Along with the laser lights came a spectacular fireworks show!!  Unfortunately, Saraia did not get to see any of it, as the loud booms from the firework explosions created quite the scare.  Grandma was there to provide comfort and security and make sure everything was going to be okay!  Grandma wasnt finished yet, as she pulled out several tickets to the Hawks game.  Mommy has become a big basketball fan, since attending a few Grizzlies games, so everyone was super excited to go!!  Langston was really into the game, as always, and Saraia was also very good.  It was great to see another NBA team and stadium!  Thanks so much Grandma!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Bodies in Motion

On the drive back from ATL, Mommy noticed that the Bodies in Motion exhibit was closing in Nashville at thge end of April.  This exhibit shows the inner workings of the human body by preserving real people and opening up their insides.  We were so interested in it, that we decided to make a special trip to Nashville to catch it before it closed.  Thinking long and hard, Mommy and Daddy decided to take both the kids inside the exhibit and do some hands on biology.  Although Mommy and Daddy could have viewed the bodies for several more hours, Saraia and Langston's lack of interest drove us to leave quicker than expected.  It was a lot to grasp for such a young age, but considering the circumstances the kids acted very good.

After Bodies in Motion, Daddy really wanted to go to Demos' for lunch, the restaraunt Mommy and Daddy frequented quite often when we were in Nashville.  Many memories of those times filled the air, as we stuffed ourselves and the kids with Spaghetti, Chicken and Rice Soup, and Fresh Baked bread!! Mmmmmmm!!  Lnagston wrestled with teh spaghetti the entire time, it was too good to call it quits!!

After lunch, everyone took a quick stroll thru downtown Nashville and look out over the Tennessee River and Titans Stadium.  Grabbing some ice cream and milks hakes along the way made for a very relaxing walk.

The fun would have lasted forever, but Sunday is a school night.  So Mommy and Daddy decided to head back before it was dark.  Although tired, Daddy drove back, but George was by his side to keep him company the whole way!!

Lil Monster

Langston is sneaking up behind Mommy in the kitchen. Little does Mommy know that Langston has been in monster training!! He was sneaking up on everybody and trying his best to scare everyone in the family!! He has probably made more gains in growling and screaming. His stealth still needs some work!! It is funny to see Langston trying to do more and more things!! His personality is growing everyday!!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Kiwi Lips

Wally World has kiwi on sale this weekend so Mommy and Daddy decided to get a few. Dr. Oz had an episode discussing all the benefits of this special fruit. As an afternoon snack Daddy cut up the fruit and presented it to the kids. Since Mommy wasn't home yet, Daddy put on some cartoons and left the to watch TV, while he prepared dinner. After a short time, Langston comes running into the kitchen screaming and spitting. Soon after Saraia comes in crying as well. Mommy makes it home and after some investigation we find out the kids' lips were burning. Aparently some people have a mild allergic reaction to the sweet goodness of the kiwi. After knowing everything was fine. We all laughed and gave the kids some benedryl. Needless to say, they won't go near a kiwi again.