Thursday, March 18, 2010

Let's Get Ready to Rumble

To Mommy and Daddy's surprise, Langston got a little upset with Saraia and resorted to violence to solve his problems. Apparently he got so mad that he scratched the side of her face, just above the eye. This was not good, but we have to show how grown-up Saraia is. Although hurt physically and emotionally, after a hug and an 'I'm Sorry', she went back to being the great big sister she always is. Saraia great work turning the other cheek! A surprise is in store for her, but she just doesn't know it yet. Mister Langston received some serious reprimands and we will continue to monitor his behavior. Hopefully, this is the last we'll see of this nonsense for some time. They are great kids, but emotions can get the best of us sometimes.

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