Friday, October 22, 2010

Hanging out with Mommy

Langston was not feeling 100 percent today, so he stayed home with Mommy. He was very good and enjoyed coloring while Mommy talked to the insurance agent.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Puppet show

She is putting on a puppet show.

Girls Day Out

Saraia has a day off, so the girls are hanging out. Our first stop is the children's museum, then lunch, and a little fall clothes shopping. What fun!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Remember a few posts back when i said everything outside was done!? Well that was true until the cabinet delivery guy decides to back up ALL the way into the house. Joe, the foreman, was so PO'd at the delivery truck driver!! Mommy was probably even more so. Fortunately, this is just an cantilevered peice that isn't structural. Therefore it wont affect the finish date... WHEW! So the framers will be back one last time to fix this and the cabinet guys can do work INSIDE!!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Firehouse 4712

Went by the house this weekend, and while we were inside looking around the kids yelled FIRETRUCK!! We looked out of the front windows and saw a fire truck parked in front of our neighbors house. We immediately ran outside and looked up in the sky for dark smoke, but there was nothing. We looked for a long ladder, thinking maybe there was some type of rescue happening, but there was nothing. Our neighbor Tim came outside as we were just starting to really wonder!?

Tim said the firemen come out periodically to check and inspect the hydrants. That was a relief, everything was okay! Other neighbors were starting to come outside with their kids to see what was going on as well. We got to meet a bunch of the neighbors, as well as the firemen. The kids were super excited!! The firemen invited them inside the truck, talked to them about fire safety, and let them hold some of the tools. It was a great afternoon and it really felt like a neighborhood. We are so excited to be here and cant wait to move-in finally!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Proud Father of a New Home

Daddy was at the house after the drywall and mudding was complete. This is the time when the home really starts to look like a home. The finish date is right around the corner and its amazing how much progress has been made in such a short time. Daddy couldn't help but smile at his new baby. He will cherish this gift from God and enjoy his family. This house on Hassman will soon be a home, that will grow our family for years to come. Memories of happiness are in abundance and waiting to be received.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Won't be long NOW!!!

The siding is going up on the outside walls. We chose a light tan color to match the light red bricks. The original brick we chose was already in the neighborhood, so we had to go with option #2, from our top 3. This made the siding color selection change a bit, but the final product looks amazing. This place will be awesome. We both think it will be the best looking house on the block, but we are biased of course! The clock is ticking and this will be the last outdoor activities for the house!!! Let's get inside and get to the finishes... I love to say that word finishes... that means its almost FINISHED!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

On the Map

Great news!  We finally exist now... Google Maps has our neighborhood on the map! Our house is located on the street that runs North/South, on the South end.  It is located next to the 1st house on the East side of the street.

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Friday, October 1, 2010

Brick City

Daddy chose the outside features for the home and he has been so nervous up until now.  The bricks look great!! There was a lot of thought that went into the selection process, but the final product looks like Mommy and Daddy made the right decisions.


Someone is very excited about haveing their own room. Her room has a walk-in closet and these beautiful windows that look out over the front of the house. Mommy and Daddy thought this would be the perfect place for Saraia. She can look out over the neighborhood and be able to see who is outside having fun!! Saraia has already said that she can't wait to get her own room and not clean up after Langston. Daddy thinks she won't be able to handle it without Langston by her side.... be careful what you wish for!!


Reading has become a very important part of our routine. Sister is reading very well and brother enjoys listening to her and adding his own words. This morning Saraia read as we went to school. After we dropped her off, Langston began to read.
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