Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Rolling down the hill

Saraia thought it would be cool to roll down the hill. Of course brother wanted to get in the action. He started by laying down, but the thought of rolling scared him. He slid, he scooted, and after a little practicing with and staying by his side, he rolled.
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Enjoying the nice weather

The weather is changing and fall is officially in the Ohio area. Today was not bad, so after dinner, we decided to take advantage.
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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Daddy was in ATL again, hanging out with his college friends and roommates at the Atlanta Football Classic. After 9 long years of watching TSU loose in the final seconds, we finally beat the Rattlers. From the opening whistle TSU took control and never let up. It was so funny watching the FAMU fans leave early knowing that the game was over before it even started. The only downer was that the game was such a blowout that it wasn't as crunk and exciting as it usually is. Daddy has said this is his last trip for the past two years, maybe he will finally retire!? We'll see next year.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

This is for the BIRDS!!

While Daddy was away on his boys trip... Mommy, the kids, and our friend Ebony went out to the zoo for a leisurely afternoon.  Perfect weather and active animals made for a great time by all.  One of the exhibits gives you a chance to get up close and personal with some feathered friends.  You a first hand opportunity to feed these beautiful birds.  Langston and Saraia really enjoyed being so close to the animals.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Just Like Daddy

Langston has been getting up earlier and earlier the past few days.  since he's been up, he has been paying extra special attention to Daddy in the morning.  It so cool watching him learn to be a man.  Langston is now always trying to get into the lower cabinet and get all the adult bath products.  For some reason, he thinks he's an adult and can use them.  He finally got an opportunity at dinner, when we all sat down for desert.  Not paying close attention to Langston, Mommy and Daddy were shocked when we saw those big cheeks and sneaky smile.

Langston was thinking that the shaving cream Daddy uses was the whipped cream on the strawberry shortcake!?  He was smearing it all over his face, like he was lathering up for a shave!!  This kid thinks he is ready to be a grown up!!  Anyway after a good laugh and a hot towel, Langston still has his soft baby smooth face!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Framing Complete - Sept 14

The home is moving forward and it's looking good! We keep a watchful eye on everything, because mistakes can and do happen... just make sure they are corrected. It's amazing the difference a week makes. The one bright side of the lack of rain we've had in Cincinnati! We are so blessed to have this grand home, surrounded by great neighbors, and a beautiful forest backdrop. We cannot wait to get the keys and move in!!!

A Tractor

Langston loves trucks, especially tractors, so mommy took him to our home site. There was plenty to see, we even saw a truck pouring concrete.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Frame of Mind

Daddy was out traveling for work and finally got a chance to get over the house and see the progress. It is so exciting to see the house start to take shape. Daddy hasn't been able to sleep good, constantly worrying about the house. Finally all the worry and second-guessing is coming to a close, because there ain't no turning back now!! Daddy looked over every stud in that entire house. I think the foreman has noticed his attention to detail and is hopefully stepping up his own attention to detail. The home seems to be in fine hands and Mommy and Daddy have both met and talked to all the sub-contractors. Good relationships will help ease our mind over the process. The start has commenced and the focus is shifted to the FINISH. 4712 Here we Come!!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Story time in the box house

Mommy decided to have story time in the box house Saraia made for her baby doll. We headed in ther with the book, a flashlight, and baby (of course). Langston was in charge of flashlight ( we had to have a talk), and Saraia turned the pages. Well, in the middle of the story the roof caved in.n Luckily we had the builder (Saraia) to fix it. We finished our story and made it out alive. Mommy thinks she left the good side of hert back in there.

The squirrel

How do you convince a 2 year old not to bother a squirrel. I am trying to tell him he is close enough. He tells me to stay back and he will be back. He has to see the squirrel. He has no fear.

Sunday, September 5, 2010


Celebrating our first holiday in our new hometown, Cincinnati. Fireworks downtown for Labor Day. We have had a weekend full of free fun activities. Love living in a big city!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Kids Museum

The family frequents the museum on a regular basis. We were able to purchase season tickets and Saraia and Langston just love it. A quick bite to eat overlooking the front water feature and then off to loads of fun and play. This is a great place that involves a bit of learning with all the fun activities and exhibits.

Cooking at Whole Foods

The start of our weekend is cooking a healthy breakfast at Whole foods.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Langston the next design star

Langston is enjoying his new toys that daddy picked. Maybe we should send him to build our house.