Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Goodbye Cube

Goodbye desk
Goodbye office chair
Goodbye desk light
Goodbye phone
Goodbye laptop
Goodbye CUBE...

Hair Do!!

Look at our little princess showing off her new do! All natural as well!!! Daddy will be running off all the little school boys in cincinnati!!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Langston Plays in the Rain

Langston loves to look at the rain, so Mommy thought it would be great for him to see it from the garage. He loved it and he slowly tip toed out into the rain. He found the gutter with the water running out and played for a minute. It was the first time in a while that it rained with no thunder. Mommy couldn't resist letting him enjoy the beauty of rain.

Ice Cream Break

We are trying to spend some time outside before the heat spikes up. We only spent 10 minutes out before the kids needed an ice cream break in the garage.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Fun zone

We've been in the house all week with the rain and it being too hot. Mommy decided to take us to Fun Zone.

Friday, June 25, 2010

Birds come for breakfast

Daddy and Saraia painted and put together a great birdhouse, but the birds would not enter. So they decided to buy a bird feeder. Saraia has been waiting for the birds to come and enjoy a email. Today is her lucky day, because two enjoyed a little breakfast. I am just glad we didn't miss it.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Langston rethinks fallout on Mommy

Saraia, Langston, and Mommy went to Target. Langston decides that he doesn't want to walk. Mommy and Daddy has been working on getting him to walk more. He decides that he doesn't want to walk and sits on the hot pavement. As soon as he sits down, he jumps back up and says, "hot mommy, hot mommy.". Problem solved and hold my hand and walks in the store.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Saraia's Coach Pitch Highlights

On Jun 12, 2010, at 8:09 AM, Mike McWherter Mmcwherter@firstmerc.com wrote:
Hi Folks!

Once again the Sharks had a great game! More about that below but 1st a housekeeping matter.

You may have noticed that we rotated player's positions last night. Since we have a 15 player roster and there are twice as many outfield positions in Coach Pitch as infield, and with a 10 game season, we're basically rotating from deep outfield to shallow outfield to infield. This way everyone gets a chance to play infield and outfield but spends enough time at a position to get the hang of it.

Which they are! Excellent infield play from Antonio, Ella, Karl, Christian, and Jack! Great play guys (and Ella - fantastic stop b/t 1st and 2nd, that ball was hit hard enough to be a triple or a homerun - smokin - and she held the runner at 1st! Awesome play Ella!)

We also continue to be a team of hitters and base runners! Never ending flow of base hits last night - Christian, Antonio, Saraia (who knew such a little girl could hit so hard, when she T's it up watch out!), Ben, Karl, Jack and Ella. Big hits are fun to watch but its solid base hitting & running that really wins your games. Excellent!

Speaking of big hits, we have those too. If I remember correctly - Doubles from Joey, Jackson & Braden - a Triple from Charlie - and another Homerun from Jed. Great hitting guys!

We look forward to having Isaac, Sarah and Eli back next week! Jed will be out (swimming lessons) next week and perhaps 1 or 2 others out as well so our bench depth is a good thing.

Special thanks to Coach Shawn, Coach Paul, Coach Sam and Coach Ronnie and all the parents - couldn't do it without you!

Lastly, a very special thanks to Coach Shawn for pitching last night - he did a great job! - and for proving that his instincts for self- preservation are strong! Watch those line drives Shawn! Ha!

Have a great weekend - Mike

Saturday, June 12, 2010

New Cam

After our previous camera broke on us during Saraia's Kindergarten garduation, the search was on to find a replacement.  Of course Daddy must take his time to research and find the absolute best deals.  This process seemed like forever, especially since Daddy lost 6 ebay auctions trying to get the camera at the 'right' price.  But patience and persistence paid off finally as an auction came out the blue with a 'buy it now' at the right price.  The camera is on its way and we cannot wait to get started using it!!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Tornado Drill

Retreat to the bathroom with flashlights and plenty of unnecessary wory, fear, and uncertainty. Another tornado watch/warning for Jackson, TN. This one was especially flase, because the alarms rang for at least 4 hours and there wasn't a cloud in the sky in our area.


Friday, June 4, 2010

New Man

Langston is trying to be a big boy. Potty training is going good, so much so that mommy and daddy put him in real underwear on the weekends. Here he is sporting 'Finding Nemo' and bird chest. To acknowledge this occasion, daddy gave Langston a quick haircut. He looks like such a little man. Operation underwear is still on track for the end of the summer!


Wednesday, June 2, 2010


The family has decided to invest in several board games and have a family game night.  This being the first night, one would expect it to be fun-filled evening learning the game and enjoying each others company.  Although it started this way, Daddy and Saraia quickly put on their competition hats.  It was evident that winning was on each of their little minds.  Ultimately fun did prevail as Saraia was crowned champion and Daddy stared at the board with a face that could only say 'I lost to a 5 year old!'  Game night looks like a new tradition!!


Saraia and her classmates had a great time at the Children’s Museum of Memphis. What a difference this place was since daddy was there a long, long, long time ago. Saraia probably had more fun than education, but after all having fun is still the best way to learn, so I guess its okay!? It was a whirl wind of blue shirts and smiling faces for about 2 hours straight. a quick snack at Chik-fil-A and once over to make sure Saraia and mommy didnt miss anything and it was time to go. Saraia was all tuckered out and went to sleep before mommy could get on the interstate. CMOM the McGhee’s are sure to be back... awesome job!!