Sunday, August 31, 2008

Saraia's 4th B-Day

Saraia had a great time at her birthday party. She had her friends there, she ate pizza, she played games, she had a princess cake, and she got way too many toys!!! What more could a 4-year old ask for. Mommy and Daddy decided to have the party at Chuck E Cheese and give the house a break. Although we preferred the family-feeling of having it at the house, CEC provided us a great event without the clean-up and prep. The manager really helped Mommy get a great table and a have a successful party.

It was so great to have the grandparents and grand-uncles/aunts come up to the party. It is always us when we get to see family.

After all the fuss, the two best friends got together and had a whale of a slumber party. They played with the birthday toys all night.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Dancing with the Stars

Saraia is finally putting all her energy to good use. She is now at the rigth age to be enrolled in dance class. Her regular lessons will start next week. The dance studio has been around Jackson many years.

She is so excitied, as expected. Mommy and Daddy also looked at a cheerleading class, but we couldn't do both. We all agreed that dance was better than cheer.

As soon as she gets all her ballet clothes we will post more pics.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Movie Review - Space Chimps

Space Chimps - ONE AND A HALF THUMBS UP!!! from Saraia and Daddy. Space Chimps was very funny and Saraia couldn't help but to burst into laughter. It was an very enjoyable afternoon activity for an otherwise ordinary weekend day.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

School Pictures

Saraia is enjoying her new school. We are seeing her passion for learning coming back, which we love. It is good to see her so excited again about going to school. She is still a social butterfly and making a bunch of new friends! Here is Saraia in action at Jr-K.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Saraia Photo Session, Vol. 1

Saraia got a digital camera from Grandma for Christmas. It took a while for her to get the hang of it, but she has been snapping away ever since. Mommy and Daddy usually look at the pics and laugh at her imagination and what she photographs. We decided to let everyone see the world as she does... and see what she thinks is worth taking a picture of.

Monday, August 11, 2008

First Day of Jr-K

Today was the big day. Saraia's first day of school. She put on her uniform, brushed her teeth, ate breakfast, and helped out with Langston. She even left Bear at home! She is growing up so fast. Mommy and Daddy were nervous, but Saraia was cool like the other side of the pillow. She marched right in, said hello to the teacher, and started to interact with the other kids.

Mrs. Mary said Saraia did very well. She listened, paid attention, and ate all of her lunch and her snack! Way to go Raia!! Let's keep it up and be the head of the class!!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Langston is Mobile

Langston has been doing great in Day Care. We even think it has inspired him to try more things, because he is the youngest in the class. This week he has started to really push his boundaries and get mobile. After his first two rolls, it was a while until we saw his 3rd, but he has been rolling everywhere since then. We tried our best to get this event on film, but Langston would not roll for the camera. We finally caught him at TT’s house.


We must say congrats to TT. She is really an adult now and she is loving every minute of it. Apparently, she is practicing for The Next Design Star (on HGTV), because she has been decorating her tail off. Now that she is mostly complete, we were able to get the full effect of her design vision… very contemporary and comfortable. All the rooms blend together to provide and easy and inviting space, with a touch of sophistication. We give it two thumbs up.

In an effort to compete, as siblings always do, we have also started to add a few more pieces… to help our home feel more comfortable as well. We cannot disclose yet, but you see it in a future addition of UsMcGhees CRIBS.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Summer in ATL

Mommy and Daddy got another break. Grandma took Saraia for a whole week. That was two weekends in a row. The break was great, but she did come back spoiled rotten. :o)

Friday, August 1, 2008

Summer in Charleston

Saraia really wanted to go the beach this year, but Mommy and Daddy were unable to make it because of work. Grammy and Grandpa stepped up and took Saraia to Charleston with them. Two birds with one stone. Saraia got to the beach and Mommy and Daddy got a much needed break.